On the 20th of February, representatives from the BCSDN Executive Office (Tanja Hafner Ademi, Biljana Stojanoska) and two of its member organisations (Dubravka Velat-Civic Initiatives, Damir Krkobabic-EHO) participated in the launch of the commencement of work on the 1st Serbian Government Strategy for enabling environment for CSDev in Belgrade, Serbia. A number of high-level government officials and ambassadors addressed around 400 participants at the event. The presentation of the Croatian and Montenegrin experience in developing such a Strategy was also shared. The main aim of the event was to define priority themes/topics by participants/CSOs, which should be reflected in the future Strategy via the Open Space method. To read about the event, the 15 themes/topics agreed on to be the focus of the Strategy, and other related information please visit the Serbian Government Office for Cooperation with Civil Society’s website.