From the 10th till the 13th of December, BCSDN Executive Director Ilina Neshikj participated in a series of policy meetings and briefings organized by the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program at Carnegie Europe in Brussels. Briefing meetings were organized in the European Parliament, the European External Action Service and the European Endowment for Democracy. BCSDN has participated in the discussion on future EU funding instruments organized by Carnegie Europe, actively contributing to the discussions with EU elected representatives and officials on the future of enlargement, and on the role and support the civil society needs to have in the enlargement processes. BCSDN ED also participated in the High-Level debate on the Western Balkans EU perspective and the way forward, organized by the European Economic and Social Committee in the Bulgarian National Assemblies in Sofia. The meetings were an opportunity to discuss, among other, BCSDN’s Opinion on the future of the EU funding to civil society and our longtime advocacy efforts to enable and improve civil society participation in all enlargement process.
Rear Ms. Neshikj’s positions and takeaways from the meetings here.