Partners Albania organized on October 14, 2013, in Tirana, the presentation of the findings of the National Study on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development, through the Monitoring Matrix which represents the main principles and standards that have been identified as crucial to exist in order for the legal environment to be considered as supportive and enabling for the operations of CSOs. The Matrix aims to define an optimum situation desired for civil society to function and develop effectively and at the same time it aims to set a realistic framework which can be followed and implemented by public authorities. Having in mind that the main challenge lies in implementation, the indicators are defined to monitor the situation on level of legal framework and practical application. The round table and the research work are supported by Olof Palme International Centre in Albania, through funding of Swedish Government. The monitoring report is part of the activities of the “Balkan Civil Society Acquis-Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs” project funded by the EU and the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD).