BCSDN has launched a new website dedicated to monitoring the enabling environment for civil society development in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The new website is based on the Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development (CSDev) which is a tool that has been developed for measuring the health of the legal, regulatory, and financial environment in which civil society organisations (CSOs) operate. It has been the collective effort of CSO experts and practitioners from the BCSDN network of members and partners.
The website is specifically focused on presenting a snapshot of the current state of the enabling environment for CSDev in eight countries in the Western Balkans and Turkey, based on periodical monitoring reports prepared by local partners. Presenting a picture on the state of the enabling environment is, however, not its only purpose. It also provides key findings and recommendations aimed at improving this environment. This is very important as BCSDN sees this website and the monitoring reports as an important tool for advocating positive change within the space that CSOs operate. The website also presents a useful function for comparing the enabling environment of the different countries being monitored. The Matrix, the monitoring, and the website is the first of its kind specifically focussed on this region.
Support positive change in your society by visiting and sharing MonitoringMatrix.net. In coming weeks BCSDN together with ECNL will also provide a regional analysis on the enabling environment for CSDev in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
*The project is funded by the EU and supported by the Balkan Trust for Democracy.