Partners Albania for Change and Development, the National Resource Centre for the Development of Civil Society of PA, and the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) are pleased to present the ninth edition of the Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development covering developments in Albania for 2021. The report is part of a series of country reports covering the Western Balkans countries. A regional report is also available summarizing findings and recommendations for all countries.
According to the findings for 2021, there are 278 new NPOs registered in 2021. This government initiative came as an effort to address one of the recommendations of the MONEYVAL Report “Anti-Money and counter-terrorist financing Measures. The report is also noting A positive development toward guaranteeing freedom of peaceful assembly was the amendment of the Penal Code, article 262: “Organisation and participation in illegal assemblies”, in response to the decision of the Albanian Constitutional Court issued on 5th May 2021.
The report is part of the activities of the Project “Protecting Civic Space – Regional Civil Society Development Hub,” financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by BCSDN in cooperation with its member organizations in the countries of the Western Balkans.
Read more about the main findings and recommendations and download the report HERE.