BCSDN and ECNL organized a brainstorming meeting on designing “Government Self-assessment Tool on the Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development” that took place in Belgrade, on 25th November. The meeting was targeted to representatives of six national Offices for Cooperation with Civil Society and other similar type of mechanisms mandated to develop policies and mechanisms for cooperation with civil society in Enlargement countries. Representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey attended the event. The aim of this initial meeting was to present the idea on behalf of the BCSDN and ECNL team and exchange ideas and expectations for the development of practical, effective and immediately implementable government self-assessment tool for monitoring the enabling environment for civil society development at national level. The idea for development of such a tool dates back to initial exchange with Government representatives in 2012 when the Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development was being developed. It was then that Governments have expressed the need to develop also a specific public institutions’ tool that would be able to accommodate their needs in monitoring, tracking and improving national-level measures for civil society development. After the development of Guidelines of the EU for Support to Civil Society in Enlargement Countries, 2014-2020 on the part of the European Commission, the Government self-assessment tool is the 3rd and last pillar of the triangle to be established for improving the dialogue on the advancement of the enabling environment.