On 17th October, Tanja Hafner Ademi, Executive Director and Venera Hajrullahu, the Chair of the Board held several meetings in DG Enlargement. In the context of EC Enlargement Strategy and Progress Reports 2012-2013 and start of planning of civil society support under IPA II 2014-2020, the aim of the meetings was to present BCSDN vision and concrete recommendations on the Commission’s support. The main issues discussed with Joost Korte (Deputy Director General), Andris Kesteris (Principle Advisor for Civil Society and Media) and the Civil Society Unit team were the importance of enabling environment for CSDev; the ways in which local capacities and infrastructure (organizations, resource centers, networks etc.) could be further utilized via the new approach launched under IPA CSF 2011-2013. On this occasion, the Monitoring matrix on enabling environment for CSDev, preliminary findings from the IPA CSF 2009-2011 research and position on TACSO were presented.