BCSDN is proud to announce that the study “Economic Value of the Non-Profit Sector in the Countries of the Western Balkans & Turkey” has been published. It was prepared by Dubravka Velat as part of the project “Balkan Civil Society Acquis – Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs” with support from BCSDN members.
This is the first study ever that gives an overview of the current situation with the non–profit sector-related data collection, analysis and presentation in seven countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. It provides information on the quality and reliability of data on the economic impact of the sectors in those countries, including also challenges that CSOs face to obtain relevant data. Furthermore, this in-depth research maps and illustrates the financial capacities, size, outputs and value of the sectors vis-à-vis the overall economy. It will contribute to the process of legitimizing the non-profit sector and its activities across the region by revealing its position in the employment and economic growth, which is often neglected.
The study should also reflect the importance of the sector for the society and raise awareness among
state actors of the need to support it via state budgets and other resources. Ultimately, it is expected
that governmental institutions in the countries concerned will recognize the economic value of CSOs
and design key strategies for economic and human resource sustainability in civil society.
The full study is available for download in English, Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian, Macedonian, and Turkish (translated with the contribution of our members). Also available are infographics (in English, Albanian, and Macedonian) presenting the main findings and challenges and the main recommendations here.