On 25th and 26th October, “Regional Conference to Reflect and Elaborate on the Future Perspectives for IPA CSF and TACSO 2 Planning” brought together around 60 representatives of civil society (LAG and EUPC), Commission (incl. EUD), national Government representatives and Technical Assistance for CSOs (TACSO)-project staff in Prishtina, Kosovo.
The objective of the conference was to discuss the TACSO project objectives for 2011-2013, which among others include up-date of need assessments of civil society in each country, project work plans and exist/sustainability strategy of the project. Also, the conference included presentation of IPA prospects for civil society beyond 2013 and specific topics such as donor coordination, impact assessment, financial regulations and project guidance. Several presentations to be available on TACSO website from Commission, TACSO staff as well as EU networks. Ms. Tanja Hafner Ademi, Executive Director, BCSDN and Ms, Ilina Nesik, Project and Communication Assistant both attended the meeting as representatives of BCSDN to the EU Programme Committee, an advisory body to the Commission on civil society support under IPA (especially TACSO project). Ms. Tanja Hafner Ademi gave a presentation under the title“Where does civil society in the Balkans stand and what can the Commission do to support it”.
The main highlights s of the conference can be summed up as:
• the Commission has recognized the importance of impact of its interventions and support to civil society and has therefore commissioned an evaluation of the impact of EU civil society support from CARDS and IPA period, which will be among others based also on interviews with local CSOs in the region;
• the Commission continues to support civil society in the region under the IPA Civil Society Facility and has approved an up-graded approach for the period 2011-2013 to meet better the needs of civil society (incl. re-granting and long-term support), while at the same time it made clear that this is not to fill in the gap of bilateral donors exiting the region;
• TACSO support aimed at meeting the capacity building needs of CSOs will continue for the next 4 year period, while the model of continued support after 2013 might change (i.e. localization to Government and CSOs, continuation as independent project or organization, attachment to EU Delegations or a combination of more).
For more details of the conference visit TACSO project website.