The CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) is a global platform that strengthens civil society’s voice in promoting development effectiveness. It aims for transparent, inclusive, and accountable development cooperation, leading to sustainable outcomes. CPDE represents diverse CSOs from six regions and eight sectors, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
CPDE is embedded in the Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness Principles which are aligned and have been the basis for the development of the Global Standard for CSO Accountability.
BCSDN as part of CPDE
BCSDN is the focal point for the Balkans and the Secretariat for the Europe region within CPDE and is partner in the implementation of two complimentary programmes: 1) A two-year CPDE-SIDA programme, “Promoting the Universal Application of Effective Development Cooperation (EDC) for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, that aims to contribute to universal application of EDC for the SDGs across different contexts and actors; and 2) three-year EC funded programme, “Advancing CSO Advocacy and Capacity on EDC and Partnerships” that aims to contribute to enabling environment of CSOs (CSO EE), specifically to improve CSO capacity to engage development partnerships; and, broaden support base for CSOs and their positions.
CPDE Core Advocacy areas
CPDE focuses on several core advocacy areas and engages in various advocacy arenas to promote development effectiveness. Core CPDE Advocacy areas are:
- CSO Enabling environment
- CSO Development Effectiveness
- Private sector accountability
- South- South cooperation
- Conflict and fragility
Global policy forums
CPDE participates in global policy forums, such as the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLFP), the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), Development Cooperation Forum (DCF), etc.
Call for applications for Mobility fund for CSOs in the Balkans (DDL: 30 October)
The Mobility Fund for CSOs in the Balkans is designed to encourage collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing among CSOs and actors on CSO development effectiveness, fostering cross-border cooperation and learning. CSOs/networks working on CSO development effectiveness operating in the Balkans and Europe are invited to apply.