At a time, when major (foreign) donors are largely exited/exiting the region, the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) deems it strategically important to review the past and current state of affairs, identify gaps and present lessons-learned and recommendations for effective and locally-owned models for sustainable civil society development. For this reason, the School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) has prepared a survey aimed at local CSOs that will provide information on the effects of the different types of funding (i.e. core funding, domestic, international funding) has had on development of CSOs and the sector as well as experiences and perceptions on donor-CSOs relations. The deadline for submission of the survey is 22 July, 2011. A similar survey is being administered also to the major civil society-related donors.
The findings from the survey, together with analysis of secondary data, interviews, case studies etc. will be channeled into a policy paper to be presented at a stakeholder policy workshop in autumn 2011.Thank you for taking time for answering the questionnaire and contributing to the findings of a research that we consider a real necessity for further development of civil society in our region. We will be happy to share with you the findings of the survey as soon as possible. If you have further questions, comments and suggestions, do not hesitate to contact the BCSDN Executive Office.