On 9th September, 2015, Tanja Hafner Ademi and Milka Ivanova Hadjievska of BCSDN presented the report on the Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development in the Black Sea Region which was commissioned by the Black Sea NGO Forum to support its development of a join civil society strategy for action in the region. The report was discussed with EU stakeholders including EC, EEAS, EP, Romanian representations, civil society networks as a basis for the preparation of the annual gathering – the 8th Edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum.
The BCSDN team based its work on its Monitoring Matrix developed in cooperation with ECNL and the CPDE framework and analyses the basic freedoms, tax, state support, volunteering policies, cooperation with public institutions, donor and CSO relationships in 8 countries of the Black Sea Region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine). The full report is to be published and made available in October.