BCSDN and its members are proud to announce the successful applicants for funding under the Balkan Public Policy Fund Programme. Out of 47 submitted project proposals from organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, 12 proposals were selected for funding (2 per country). The pilot phase of the Slovak and Balkan Public Policy Fund has proved to be a successful support model for boosting the advocacy skills of the CSOs and the projects supported through the first two phases have demonstrated tangible results from the policy work.
The specific objective in this new phase is to contribute to the capacity building of CSOs in IPA countries in monitoring and advocating on civil society-related policies covered by theMonitoring Matrix areas or the Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Countries, 2014-2020.
BCSDN and its partners are convinced that the selection conducted by an evaluation committee, composed of experts civil society development from BCSDN members have great advocacy potential and have potential for real impact in the field of their work. The awarded organizations will produce a policy paper and will receive a continuous support in the implementation of the project by BCSDN and its member organizations.
BCSDN is happy to announce the following applicants who were selected for funding:
- Albanian Institute for Public Affairs, Albanian CSOs Involvement at EU accession Negotiations: Best Practices from Previous Accessions (Albania)
- Partnerë për Fëmijët, State Funding of CSOs to Improve the Rights and Lives of Children and Youth in Albania (Albania)
- Association for Analysis of Public Policies – Banja Luka, Effective Cooperation of CSOs with Institutions of Power as a Precondition for the Development of the Society(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Association for Democratic Initiatives – Sarajevo, Advocating for Proper Implementation of the ’Cooperation Agreement between the BiH Council of Ministers and the NGO Sector in BiH’’ – Support to the Group of NGOs “Civil dialogue“ (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Civil Rights Programme Kosovo (CRP/K), Assessing the Opportunities for CSOs to Obtain State Contracts in Kosovo (Kosovo)
- Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS), CSO Treatment within Labor Legislation and Employment Programs in Kosovo (Kosovo)
- Association Konekt Skopje, Policy Analysis of the Environment for Employment in CSOs (Macedonia)
- Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje (IDSCS), CSOs as Service Providers: Advancing the Practice and Broadening the Possibilities (Macedonia)
- Centre for Civic Education (CCE), For Better Public Financing for NGOs!(Montenegro)
- Democratic Centre of Bijelo Polje, Regulating Municipal Funding of NGO projects(Montenegro)
- Center for Democratic Development “Europolis”, Line 481 – To Improve the Processes of Monitoring and Evaluation (Serbia)
- Centre for Development of Non-Profit Sector & Public Policy Research Centre, Towards Efficient Budget Policies on Local Level – Budget Line 481 Donation to NGOs (Serbia)
To find out more about the successful applicants and their projects please click here.