We are excited to share the release of the updated BCSDN Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development Toolkit 2.0.
About the Monitoring Matrix Toolkit
The Monitoring Matrix, developed in 2012, serves as a systematic framework for assessing the legal and practical conditions that support civil society. By defining clear principles, standards, and indicators, it has shaped advocacy efforts and informed policies at all levels, strengthening civil society’s role in advancing democracy and safeguarding fundamental rights.
In 2013, following BCSDN’s advocacy, the European Union introduced a section on civil society in its country reports for accession countries, reflecting the Monitoring Matrix methodology and mainstreaming the concept of an “enabling environment” for civil society. This methodology further shaped the first DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society (2014–2021), with BCSDN’s reports consistently serving as verification tools for key components. The findings have also enhanced EU TACSO’s reports and informed the European Commission’s Annual Progress Reports for Enlargement Countries.
Monitoring Matrix Toolkit 2.0
The revised MM toolkit builds on over a decade of expertise and collaboration, offering a comprehensive methodology to evaluate and strengthen the enabling environment for civil society in the Balkans and beyond. As BCSDN’s most significant effort since the original toolkit was developed in 2012, the 2023 revision involved a year-long process of discussions, meetings, and consultations. Like its initial design, this update was made possible through the collaboration and expertise of CSO practitioners and BCSDN network members, addressing contemporary challenges to civil society.
The toolkit retains its original structure, organized into three core areas—Basic Legal Guarantees of Freedoms, Framework for CSOs’ Financial Viability and Sustainability, and State–CSO Relationship—along with eight sub-areas, all detailed through 22 standards and 139 indicators to provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating the enabling environment for civil society.
Who Can Use the Toolkit?
The Monitoring Matrix Toolkit 2.0 is designed for a wide range of stakeholders:
- CSOs in the region can use it for advocacy, capacity building, and collaboration to promote democratic governance and human rights.
- Donors and stakeholders can rely on the Matrix to identify priority areas and strategic interventions.
- Regional and international organizations can use the framework to monitor trends, respond to emerging threats, and align with global standards for civic space.
2024 Monitoring Matrix Reports and Looking Ahead
The revised methodology underpins the 2024 regional and country Monitoring Matrix reports, offering insights into trends, progress, and challenges in the enabling environment for civil society. Future developments include refining data collection methods and integrating AI for improved data accuracy, trend mapping, early warnings, and strategic foresight, enhancing the ability to address emerging threats to civic space.
Find the Tool-kit HERE.